Lizenzen/Foreign Rights

Abdruckanfragen und Lesungen / Reprint Permissions

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Please direct your requests for reprint permissions to:
We kindly ask you to make requests for reprint/use permissions at least three weeks in advance in order to receive approval in due time. For reprint permissions, we need the retail price, the print run and the overall volume (number of pages) of your edition. Also, please name the exact source/edition from which you took the text excerpt.

Lizenzanfragen / Foreign Rights

Julie Hitz
Rights Manager
Tel: +49 40 607 706 732
Fax: +49 40 607 706 700

Véronique Berg
Rights Manager
Tel: +49 40 607 706 734
Fax: +49 40 607 706 700

Semperstraße 24
22303 Hamburg
Deutschland / Germany

Thank you for your interest in our publishing program. In this section, we present you books for children between 8 and 11 years of age at WooW Books as well as contemporary fiction and select non-fiction titles at Arche Literatur Verlag and Atrium Verlag. You can view our Foreign Rights Catalogues by clicking on the links below. Feel free to contact us for further information, press comments or reading copies. We look forward to hearing from you.

Foreign Rights Guides (including backlist):

Kinderbuch Foreign Rights Guide
Children’s books, Autum 2023

Atrium and Arche Foreign Rights Guide
Fiction and non-fiction at Atrium and Arche, Spring 2023